Signs You Are More Creative Than You Think

“I can’t draw” — This statement is made by way too many people who believe that their skill, or lack of skill, in illustrating with graphite indicates whether they are creative. If you want to draw like an artist, there are plenty of ways to learn and practice, but in no way does skill in drawing encapsulate your level of creativity.

Here are signs you are more creative than you think:

You are playful

Who are the most creative people in the world? I would answer, and I think most people would agree, that they are children. If you want to be more creative, allow yourself to be childlike. Take joy in discovery, or re-discovery. Look at the intricate vein pattern on a leaf, notice how the ground feels beneath your feet, or celebrate the fact that it is September. Maybe it is September’s birthday and that deserves acorn cupcakes. All it takes is a little observation and a dash of imagination and suddenly, you are being creative.

You are emotional

Many deeply emotional people, like me, find that creative activities help them to process their emotions and that their emotions influence their creativity. Whether you journal when you feel frustrated or dance when you feel excited, emotions prompt us to express ourselves. Consider how your emotions impact your creativity.

You are curious

I wonder about things like where squirrels sleep. They probably have nests, but maybe they have mushroom houses with little doors and windows. I also like to look for interesting plants in the woods. As I keep discovering, the world seems curiouser and curiouser. With a wealth of information at our fingertips, a temptation is to be satisfied with Google’s answers to all our questions. Learning is good, but curiosity opens the door to creativity.

You like to experiment

Experimenting can happen in countless ways, most of which may not be recognized as experimenting. Anything from trying a new brand of laundry detergent to adding a new spice to a recipe could be called an experiment. It can be quite fun to think through how to style a new outfit, how to help a flower grow, or how to cook pasta. You have opportunities to identify a problem and invent a solution every day, so use them to stretch your creative muscles.

You seek out inspiration

One of the most helpful things I have learned as an artist and designer is that I do not need to be creative in a vacuum, and neither do you. Other people have created all kinds of things you are free to be influenced by. Recycle ideas and make them into something new. Don’t limit yourself by only looking for inspiration in the same format you plan to work with. If you want to paint with watercolors, look at sculptures. If you want to make a wreath, look at interior design. You can find inspiration in the least expected places if you keep an open mind.

Creativity can be reflected in the playful curiosity of a child, the emotional depth that drives self-expression, or the adventurous spirit of experimentation. It is not a fixed trait, but a dynamic process. If you are wondering how creative you are, the answer is more than you think.

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